Monthly Archives: August 2010

Janai Purnima

Today is a national holiday in Nepal as Janai Purnima, the sacred thread festival of Hindus, is observed today throughout the country. Thousands of devotees across the country go to temples and sacred places to observe the festival…and Banepa is no exception. The “Tagadhari” or those who wear the “Janai” (sacred thread) on their bodies change their thread whilst others receive the ´Rakshya Bandhan´ thread, which is tied around the wrist as an amulet. The yellow thread is purified through the chanting of mantras by Brahmins as a symbol of protection from fear and disease.

Receiving the ´Rakshya Bandhan´ thread. John Callaway 2010

Receiving the ´Rakshya Bandhan´ thread. John Callaway 2010

A site near Budol which I visited earlier in the year is the destination for many hundreds of people, despite the incessant rain So at 8.00am I set off with Raju, a colleague from Sakriya Plus Nepal to walk the kilometre or so uphill. The conditions are far from ideal, as the rain has been falling throughout the night, although many people are already making the return journey, having set off at 4.00am…

Not ideal conditions. John Callaway 2010

Not ideal conditions. John Callaway 2010

Hopefully these few photographs give a flavour of the morning, and reaffirm once again how firmly religious belief is embedded within Nepali culture…

Despite the rain. John Callaway 2010

Despite the rain. John Callaway 2010

Some are less keen to be there than others. John Callaway 2010

Some are less keen to be there than others. John Callaway 2010

Waiting to give tikka. John Callaway 2010

Waiting to give tikka. John Callaway 2010

…and its still raining!!