Monthly Archives: September 2010

Road of the braver man…

Sometimes you just stumble into something because you decide to take a particular turn. Today was one of those days….

Sadhu. John Callaway 2010

Sadhu. John Callaway 2010

I had gone to Bhaktapur and having done what I had planned to do was just wandering around with no particular aim beyond just enjoying being there. On the way back to the bus, I noticed a temple just off to one side and ventured in. After a few minutes of talking to the priest, he suggested that I might like to meet the sadhu. Entering another building, I went upstairs and met him. 97 years old, and despite his frailty, clearly someone within whom the inner flame still burns brightly…

Harmonium. John Callaway 2010

Harmonium. John Callaway 2010

To be offered food and to sit with him was an enormous privilege. Words fail me, but hopefully these few photos show something of the man….

Sadhu. John Callaway 2010

Sadhu. John Callaway 2010

Sadhu. John Callaway 2010

Sadhu. John Callaway 2010