Monthly Archives: June 2023


No ‘story’ behind the selection of these photographs, beyond the fact that they were taken in sequence whilst walking on the margins of Portsea Island once again. I’ve gone with sepia as I think it presents a much more timeless image. I’d also been checking out (again) the work of Wilfred Thesiger, particularly his photographs of the Empty Quarter, which probably contributed to the decision.

Starting off from Milton Common, ” …a large area of grassland, scrub and ponds located on the edge of Langstone Harbour… The site is reclaimed intertidal land from around 40 years ago… The rough grassland has developed a good diversity of species, with a strong coastal element… Overall the species diversity is excellent, with nearly 200 species noted within the common...” [Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre]

From the Common the coastal footpath leads on to Milton Locks, another nature reserve. Thereafter to Eastney Lake,and providing the tide is sufficiently ‘out’, Eastney beach can be reached without need to move inland from the shoreline….

There are of course local hostelries on the way back which enable my walking companions (collectively known as ‘the usual suspects”), and me to discuss the finer points and the philosophy of walking…

Milton Common… [Image © John Callaway 2023]
Milton Locks… [Image © John Callaway 2023]
Eastney Lake…[Image © John Callaway 2023]
Eastney Beach… [Image © John Callaway 2023]