Another world…

Hayling Oyster Beds yesterday morning. Despite living in one of the most densely populated cities in the UK, it’s still possible to believe that you are at some distance from the urban landscape. These are the beds at the northern end of Hayling Island. Yes, they’re man-made, but sometimes landscapes of the imagination can creep up on you unawares…

A ghostly city in the distance. A fault line of broken concrete. An object of unknown origin and purpose on the hinterland between sea and shore. Driftwood that has been fashioned into a shrine to appease the sea gods…

And if you’re not yet ready to create your own narrative, here’s the reality…

The beds, which were constructed in Victorian times are no longer viable for commercial oyster farming. Post WW2, pollution and poisoning of the water put an end to the trade, and although there have been attempts to resurrect the industry, the man made lagoons are now a haven and breeding ground for sea birds.

local history website notes that “by far the greatest as the 19th century wore on was that of pollution. Drainage schemes for Hayling were put forward with alarming regularity, all of which seemed to involve outflows on to the shore in proximity to the oyster beds, Feelings were at their strongest in the 1920’s when a scheme costing £26,000 was presented. A group of local fishermen, led by a Mr. Moore, protested that the fishing would be polluted, pointing out that if the effluent was discharged at flood-tide it would flow rapidly up the harbour, thus affecting the oyster beds and oyster dredging in Langstone Harbour“.

And its still going on

Arc… [Image © John Callaway 2024]
Fault Line… [Image © John Callaway 2024]
Object of unknown origin… [Image © John Callaway 2024]
Drift… [Image © John Callaway 2024]

One response to “Another world…

  • Beverley Pickering

    Sad pictures John.

    Thank you for highlighting the destruction to an adopted Northenern.

    It’s so sad that locals haven’t the will to improve their environment.


    PS Hope the family is well. x

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