Ship to shore…

Dodging heavy showers today, but lucky enough that the available light brought out the best of the landscape. The photos below all contain signs of human endeavour and intervention on the landscape, but as is usual, there are no images with people in them…unless you count the distant hand on the tiller or wheel of ships and sail boats..

I do take them…they just don’t often appear here. Make of that what you will… 😉


  1. Browndown Camp & Ranges: Closed today as its an MOD firing range. The barbed wire fence prevents access, yet seems easy to breach. That has a certain resonance today as the Government still vacillates in the wake of ‘freedom day’… But for that vaguely dystopian feeling, check out the Browndown Mushroom when the range is open. We all know that mushrooms are kept in the dark and fed bullshit….
  2. Stokes Bay, looking towards the Isle of Wight.
  3. Fort Gilkicker: Another of the Palmerston Follies, currently fenced off, but self evidently accessible to some…
  4. Ship to shore: The passing of a sailing boat close to land brought to mind one of my favourite songs by Nigel Mazlyn Jones. The photograph is taken from Gilkicker Point, Gosport, with a ghostly Ryde in the far distance. From which came to mind the notion of meditating on the Isle of Wight whilst listening to NMJ on his Isle of Light record label. Serendipitous…

Addendum.…30 minutes or so later….people…

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