Skeleton trees…

Butser Hill on a wet and windy Saturday morning. In the mist the trees take on a supernatural quality. Their skeletal frames stand as sentinels in a shrouded landscape. Familiar shapes transformed into half-seen and half-imagined entities from another world…

[All images © John Callaway 2023]

3 responses to “Skeleton trees…

  • andyswapp

    Lovely, great shots . . . .” Far past the frozen leaves
    The haunted frightened trees
    Out to the windy beach
    Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrows”

  • velouriarose1

    Beautiful and desolate images, reminds me of these lyrics:

    ‘The back wings flying high above the skeleton trees
    Disappear into the white
    So let the weary land be rested and the killing season over
    Let the shadows stretch forever in the light of burnished silver’.

  • johnnyc1959

    Apposite in these troubled times. But then you can usually rely on NMA to reflect the world we live in….

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